
12VW Vacuum-Assist Vapor Recovery Hanging Nozzle

$80.00 $120.00 now piece
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1+ $80.00
2+ $72.00
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This automatic nozzles is use for Vacuum-Assist vapor recovery systems. Designed with an integrated vapor-valve, they are certified on the most used vapor recovery systems in the world. 

It can use for use in gasoline, diesel and up to 10% ethanol blends.

Prevents gasoline spills in prepay or card-lock systems utilizing unique No Pressure – No Flow Device – The nozzle cannot be opened until the pumping system is pressurized and closes automatically when the pressure is removed.

Prevents consumer from jamming the nozzle in an open position – blocker on lever guard.

FlowLock allows nozzle to shut off when falling out of a vehicle, and is tipped up, limiting spillage and unsafe conditions.

Vapor Escape Guard (VEG) improves vapor collection.

Lever-activated vapor valve only opens when product is flowing controlling the amount of vapors collected from the vehicle.

Easy to use – utilizing Accu-Stop to-the-penny Flow Control Technology.

Attractive 2-Piece NEWGARD Hand Insulator is the most comfortable nozzle in the industry to use.